We meet online via Zoom every Thursday at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start (GMT). We practice together for around 90 minutes including a guided meditation, a reading, a tea meditation, sharing from the heart and deep listening (dharma sharing) and a silent meditation. Once a month we also recite the Five Mindfulness Trainings so that our practice can deepen each day.

We also hold a quarterly "Day of Mindfulness", this sometimes include a mindful and fun creative activity and also walking meditation, guided sitting meditation and a shared lunch.


If you would like to attend our weekly practice, please contact Peace2weySangha@proton.me  and you will be sent the Zoom detail of our weekly meetings.


In case you don't have Zoom installed on your machine, you can download it on the following:

Sangha's "Day of Mindfulness" Events

Please, keep an eye on this space, as we will soon publish the details for our next Sangha's "Day of Mindfulness"

Daily Morning Meditation Practices By Plum Village UK

If you would like, you can also join the daily morning meditation practices, offered by Plum Village UK. There are many and for each day of the week, at different times. We hope you can find the ones that suit you.

'Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain

Breathing out, I feel solid.'